Vaelei Walkden-Brown
“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” John Muir.
Little Lei Holistic Design works under the premise of the connection of all things…energetically, environmentally, emotionally and physically. In the intuitive healing work I offer, I use all my senses to observe these different aspects of your being. How are you, in that moment, on all these levels? Where are you holding in your body, mind, spirit or emotion? I understand that one aspect affects another, just as one part of your body has a great impact on the whole.
I also understand that the connection between myself, the practitioner and you, the client is another aspect that contributes to the holistic nature of this healing. Your body is able to communicate what it needs, and I am here to listen, encourage and allow what your body asks for.
I combine Level II Certification in Cranial Sacral Therapy taught by Julie Gerhardt and Second Degree Attunement in the Usui System of Natural Healing Reiki. The Reiki energy work helps me to listen more acutely to the messages your body is giving. The Cranial Sacral work helps me to encourage the body in to the place of utmost ease and release. At the least, you will experience a beautiful reset of your nervous system and find a deep sense of relaxation. Other people have experienced relief from sore muscles, migraine headaches, concussion symptoms, foggy brain, vertigo and more.
Often, these treatments are like peeling back layers of an onion…one thing releases, to reveal another that needs care and attention.
It is with great care and respect that I offer this work. I cherish the connections I make with the clients and so truly value the positive results they experience. I am grateful for the trust people offer when coming to the table. Healing is a beautiful thing and our body’s innate ability to heal is nothing short of miraculous.
Come join me to explore the connection of your body, mind and spirit and discover how your body communicates what it needs when we take the time and space to listen.
With care,
Vaelei Walkden-Brown
Little Lei Holistic Design